Is it possible to continue capturing customer data during sales events?

During peak periods such as sales or holidays, it can be challenging for your sales representatives to continue capturing data.

How can we combine data collection and high-traffic periods while maintaining efficiency?

Two-thirds of the French admit that during sales, they may abandon all of their purchases if the queue is too long.

The process of collecting and creating customer accounts can further increase the waiting time at the checkout. What should be done?

But… You must equip your cash registers with auto-completion modules to assist your sales representatives and facilitate data collection.

This can result in a 60 to 80% time savings during account creation.

68% of internet users leave an e-commerce site due to a poor user experience.

Sales represent a valuable opportunity for online stores to increase their traffic and boost sales. Neglecting the user experience (UX) poses a risk of redirecting potential customers to the competition.

How to prevent traffic losses during this ideal period for capturing data?

  1. Simplify my customer journey by optimizing the account creation step.
    Capency can provide you with its best practices to boost the UX of your web forms (contact us to get them!).
  2. Integrate auto-completion modules to reduce the time spent on your registration/account creation forms by threefold and guide the user as they enter information.
Data Quality
Identité & Consentement
Offres data complémentaires​
Logiciel de caisse | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce
Checkout software | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce