A subsidiary of the OTTO group, BONPRIX is a German e-commerce company specializing in ready-to-wear clothing which has millions of customers in 30 countries. The website is the main ordering channel with a large assortment.

Data Quality to improve the capture of customer data in real time and clean it in the database

Preventive objective

Assisted, real-time entry of addresses and pre-existence search for its websites and call centers

Curative objective

Ensure the receivability and quality of catalog shipments and mailing campaigns by avoiding package returns

Context & challenges:

The German subsidiary makes it a point of honor to ensure that the database is clean. For almost two decades, the management of customer data has represented a real challenge for Bonprix.

Aware well before most companies that it was necessary to make Data Quality a competitive advantage, data quality solutions had already been put in place but the old tool was not flexible enough.

“The challenge was then to find a new data quality software publisher who would be more attentive to support us throughout the Data Quality process: from needs analysis to software integration. in Bonprix environments.”


Due to the ease of integration/simplicity of our solutions, as well as the quality of commercial relationships, BONPRIX chose CAPENCY to carry out their Data Quality project.

In 2016, in order to avoid creating duplicate databases when creating an account on websites, BONPRIX implemented CAP MATCH in SaaS mode on Dutch, French and Belgian sites.

Thanks to the ease of use and implementation of our solutions, Bonprix subsequently diversified the management of its data by implementing solutions for postal addresses gradually.

Bonprix & Capency

Project description:

In real time, Bonprix now uses for its websites and call centers:

  • CAP MATCH (real-time pre-existence search)
  • CAP ADDRESS (assisted time entry and real-time verification of the postal address): on the Belgium and France website – for CRM solutions: Belgium, France and the Netherlands

In order to ensure the receivability and quality of catalog shipments and mailing campaigns carried out by BONPRIX while avoiding parcel returns, Capency carried out a cleaning and deduplication of the postal address databases.

The CAPENCY solutions used in curative treatment are:

  • CAP DEDUP (deleting and merging duplicates)
  • CAP RNVP (cleaning and standardization of postal addresses in batch mode).


Following the implementation of the solutions, Bonprix observed very satisfactory results very quickly and would advise all companies that deal with customer data to skip the CAP. It is one of the rare companies among e-retailers to have obtained EVA+ certification a few years ago.

Given the significant volume of Bonprix and its international challenges, Capency is delighted to be able to count such a prestigious brand among its clients. We make customer support a priority and we support them throughout the implementation of the chosen solutions.


Data Quality
Identité & Consentement
Offres data complémentaires​
Logiciel de caisse | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce
Checkout software | POS​
CMS | Ecommerce